Physician Testimonials

Dr. Raj Sinja - Orthopedic Medicine

Dr. Richard Miron - Dental Medicine

Dr. Lisa Kroopf - Pain Medicine

Dr. John Vu - Family Medicine

Dr. Greg Caldwell - Optomology Medicine

Dr. Edwin Dean - Family Medicine

Dr. William Li - Oncology Medicine & Scientist

Dr. Dawn Sparks - DO Medicine

Dr. James Tearse - Optometry Medicine

Scientist Tanner Gibs - LifePak Specialist

Dr. Aruro Lizano - Functional Regenerative Medicine

What doctors are saying:

  • “I want to honor and guarantee my commitment to my patients to do no harm. Pharmanex allow me not only to do that but to actually improve my patients' overall health.”

    — Ben Gonzalez, MD

  • “Finally, a proven prevention plan that should be a part of every physician's thorough evaluation. I am enjoying practicing more than ever.”

    — David Feld, MD, OB/GYN

  • “I can better address the needs of my patients with science and products that I can trust."”

    — David Rosenberg, MD Family Practice

  • "This is what physicians have been waiting for to properly address prevention and supplementation in their practice."

    — Stephen Moore, DC